Only two births of a blue whale have ever been recorded. Mother and calf pairs are also sighted much more rarely than might be expected. The reason, new research suggests, has to do with where and ...
Princess Beatrice's stepson, Wolfie, spent his half-term break from school with his mother, Dara Huang. See their trips to Sea World, the beach and more while in Florida.
In a struggle for survival, the heartbreaking sounds of the mammals’ labored breathing and faint high-pitched cries for help ...
Department liaison officer Brendon Clark said the stranding was the first by false killer whales in Tasmania in since 1974.
A peachy orange baby killer whale was spotted bouncing and rolling in waters off Washington, a nonprofit said. A pod of the endangered Southern Resident killer whales were photographed Feb. 8 off San ...
Two members from the National Parks and Wildlife Services were guarding the mammal, as they waited for professionals to arrive and take the whale away from the beach. A dead pygmy sperm whale ...