To get your student loans discharged in bankruptcy, you’ll need to prove that they cause you “undue hardship.” Borrowers can choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but they must ...
Some borrowers told Newsweek their scores dropped by as much as 200 points when their loans became delinquent while they were ...
In 2022, the US Justice Department and Department of Education released new guidelines that make it easier to get student loans discharged through bankruptcy. Though the new administration ...
The decision to cease applications came after the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a temporary block of the Saving for a ...
A U.S. appeals court blocked the Saving for a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan on Tuesday as the lawsuit heads toward what ...
Colorado student loan attorney Karen Cody-Hopkins said the plan from President Joe Biden is most likely dead since he's no ...
Certain types of debt typically can't be discharged through bankruptcy, including most student loans, recent tax debts, child support and alimony obligations. If you've taken on new debt ...
Student loans can be a significant burden for many borrowers in the United States. With rising tuition costs, the average student loan debt now exceeds $16,000 per undergraduate student and ...
Student loans aren't commonly discharged in bankruptcy, but it's possible if payments cause undue financial hardship.
Once you file, an automatic stay goes into effect, which is a powerful legal protection that stops creditors from pursuing collection actions against you, including phone calls, wage garnishments and ...