There's never a dull moment in the Howell household with 8-year-old Maisley's hilarious renditions of the Bible.
What the Bible and history tell us about the claim that God gave the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants.
The Book of Ruth is based upon the lives of two women, an older Israelite woman named Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth, a Moabite.
From picture books to graphic novels, fantasy to family fun, these must-read books have the power to hook kids of any gender. Some are cultural touchstones that belong in every kid's library. Others ...
For this article, he interviewed Charlie Kirk four times and attended a donor meeting and a ball celebrating Donald Trump’s ...
In recognition of increased watching of the Super Bowl, Peter Bentley provides a draft chapter from a (hoped for) book looking at the U.S.A. through film and television.  The USA and Sport Part 3: ...
The global movement of people seeking to flee tyranny, poverty, and violence, or to search for freedom in a distant land, is a continuum of human history. It is as ancient as the biblical Book of ...
Oliver writes that he believed his 2022 book, “Last Goodbye,” was his last, but then he got the writing itch and popped out “ ...
The letter sent to school districts suggests a willingness by the groups to take legal action to stop Texas schools from ...
The organizations say it presents the Book of Matthew as “a literal ... and an activity requesting that children remember the order in which the Bible says God created the universe.
Sharing these games with my children through local co-op has been ... beautifully designed version of 16th-century Europe, when books were still being written by hand in monasteries.