Vooral op haar dochter (gespeeld door Lies Visschedijk) en haar kleinzoon (Daniel Cornelissen). ,,De eigenaar van het pand wil van de galerie een ontbijtcafé maken”, vertelt Cornelissen.
On the morning of Dec. 29, Stoughton residents Katelyn Cornelissen, Jordan White and their 16-month-old daughter Ryleigh White said goodbye to their dogs, Koda and Leo, for a quick trip to Starbucks.
BORIS is an easy-to-use event logging software for video/audio coding or live observations. BORIS is a free and open-source software available for GNU/Linux and Windows. You can not longer run BORIS ...
And in an attempt to distance herself from the likes of Boris Johnson and Theresa May, Badenoch criticised her predecessors, claiming they “told people what they wanted to hear first and then ...
“Verduurzaming van bestaand vastgoed is heel hard nodig om aan de klimaatdoelstellingen van Parijs te voldoen”, vult Boris van der Gijp (co-voorzitter van Achmea Real Estate) zijn collega aan. “Met ...
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Minister of Defense of Germany Boris Pistorius, who came to Ukraine on his fourth visit. The Head of State thanked the Federal Republic of Germany for helping ...
ROUVEEN - Boerenorganisatie Agractie en PvdA/GL lijken op veel punten tegenpolen te zijn in het landbouwdebat, maar in één ding trekken zij nu gezamenlijk op: het model waarmee de stikstofuitstoot ...
Speaking to the Baltic news website Delfi, the former UK PM said: “What Putin is doing is archaic, and barbaric. “And he needs to understand that Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – none of these ...
OostrumVoor de tweede keer ging Helga Cornelissen er vrijdagavond in Roermond met de winst vandoor in de finale van het Groot Limburgs Buuttekampioenschap. Thuis in Oostrum is het zaterdagmorgen ...
He says he always voted Conservative and was a member of the party, but was put off by Boris Johnson’s “betrayal” over Brexit – which Yusuf voted for – and the subsequent immigration wave.
Boris Johnson has branded Vladimir Putin a "f**king idiot" in a frank TV interview, telling the Russian leader his imperial ambitions are finished. The former British Prime Minister made the remarks ...