When markets are functioning, cash — in the form of vouchers, prepaid debit cards, mobile transfers, bank account transfers, paper money, or cash-for-work — gives families the ability to purchase what ...
Cash-based intervention (CBI) is the principal modality for delivering assistance amongst vulnerable refugees in Iraq. CBI is preferred by the recipients as it provides them the power to choose and ...
The money can be used for cash assistance, transportation ... While the application process can vary, many states now accept online applications for their programs. Some communities have 211 ...
TANF is an important piece in supporting families with low or no income. However, Pennsylvania has not increased TANF cash grants in 30 years to keep up with inflation and rising cost of living.
UNHCR uses cash-based interventions to provide protection, assistance and services to the most vulnerable. Cash and vouchers help the displaced meet a variety of needs, including access to food, water ...