For the week ending March 14, western Canadian feeder cattle markets traded $10-$15 per hundredweight higher than seven days ...
All sides agree problems will persist as long as ranch and gray wolf territories in California overlap. What's the solution?
Texas crawfish production is faring better than last year’s dismal harvest, but the industry has not fully recovered.
You might feel good buying grass-fed, free-range beef, touted as better for the environment than conventional beef from factory farms. But you're "being misled," says Bard College geophysicist Gidon ...
Joe Kooima of Kooima Kooima Varilek says cattle and hogs both saw gap higher openings and are seeing triple digit gains with ...
Assessing productivity in a beef herd can be done using a range of different metrics. In many cases producers focus on some ...
Dairy: Milk cow numbers are expected higher in 2025 versus 2024, with 0.3% growth in milk per cow production, output is seen at 226.9 billion pounds, up 0.5%. The incidence of HPAI in dairy cattle in ...
Wolves were responsible for at least 19 cattle deaths statewide between October and December ... but larger ranches — like many in California — require range riders (cowboys) to monitor them, she said ...
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission approved four wildlife damage claims. Claims above $20,000 must be approved by the ...
Dry seasonal conditions and forecasted rain not eventuating did not dampen the market at the Northern Victoria Livestock Exchange, Wodonga, on Thursday with prices stronger than expected.
Noel Thompson, Coraki, lost cattle in the last flood, two metres higher than the record, with one stoic Santa ...