In such a case laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis requires only the demonstration of a ceruloplasmin concentration of less than 20 mg per 100 ml of serum, a urinary copper excretion of more ...
Neurodegenerative diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders that are characterized by the progressive degeneration of the structure and function of the central nervous system or peripheral ...
Erythroblasts possess unique characteristics as they undergo differentiation from hematopoietic stem cells. During terminal erythropoiesis, these cells incorporate large amounts of iron in order to ...
Nat Clin Pract Neurol. 2006;2(9):482-493.
Ferroptosis is a novel regulated cell death pattern discovered when studying the mechanism of erastin-killing RAS mutant tumor cells in 2012. It is an iron-dependent programmed cell death pathway ...
Iron is an essential nutrient that plays a complex role in cancer biology. Iron metabolism must be tightly controlled within cells. Whilst fundamental to many cellular processes and required for cell ...
Correspondence to Dr Elisabetta Bugianesi, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Turin, Corso Dogliotti 14, Torino 10126, Italy; elisabetta.bugianesi{at}; Dr Quentin Mark Anstee, ...