On Nov. 25, 1863, 150 years ago, during the American Civil War, Union forces staged a spectacular breakout from besieged Chattanooga, Tenn. Routed Confederate troops retreated 25 miles to Dalton ...
There’s little indication from looking at it that a pillar in a cemetery in Chattanooga, Tennessee, was erected by representatives ... many of which were erected decades after the U.S. Civil War – the ...
Situated in the valley below three surrounding mountains, Lookout, Raccoon and Signal, Chattanooga’s natural ... One of the Civil War’s bloodiest battles—the Battle Above the Clouds ...
"Chef (Andrew Millsap) is the nicest person I've ever been around. We are kindred spirits. We try to make each other better ...
The Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park is the oldest and largest of America's Civil War parks, encompassing land both north and south of the Tennessee-Georgia border, with more than ...
The city’s shadowed by massive Lookout Mountain and sliced in two by the majestic Tennessee River ... Confederate soldiers during the Civil War siege on Chattanooga, and the present-day building ...
Well-known for its natural wonders and ties to the Civil War, Chattanooga may not stand out to foodies as a must-visit destination at first glance. But at closer inspection, visitors looking for a ...