To break the credit card debt cycle you’re currently in, you’ll need to find a way to pay off the debts you have while ...
Ericka Smith ended her marriage in 2024 with several credit cards and $25,000 in card debt. “We didn’t really talk to each ...
A new report finds that people are spending more on their cards and paying down less. Financial experts offer tips for ...
Debt can feel overwhelming; however, there are ways for debt to work in a beneficial manner rather than being a burden.
Credit counseling and debt relief are both worth considering, but one may be better than the other. Here's why.
In short, fintech has transformed lending by making it faster, more accessible, and data-driven. So, traditional banks rely ...
Everyone’s feeling the squeeze, to differing degrees. But the way we handle it is deeply personal. Alexandra Jones identifies ...
A political odd couple is joining forces to lower credit card interest rates. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Josh ...
A bill to limit the interest rate on credit cards has been introduced in Congress. The banking industry says capping rates ...
Bilt is looking to shake up its card lineup, including the potential addition of a premium card, and reached out to current ...
More North Texas public schools may be closing as their districts struggle with tighter budgets and decreasing enrollment.
In Washington, the hardest thing to kill is a bad idea. And one of the worst will soon be back: The so-called Credit Card ...