can help reduce effects of this disease in the subsequent corn crop. Avoid corn-after-corn rotations, particularly if the field has a history of anthracnose. Severity of stalk rots increase with plant ...
The end-of-season corn stalk nitrate test is a simple, inexpensive tool that can be used to assess the nitrogen (N) status of a corn crop at the end of the growing season. Studies in Delaware, and ...
Salt is lethal to crops typically grown on Delmarva — the corn, soybeans and wheat that become fodder for the region’s $5 billion chicken industry.
“In 2021 we saw tar spot early on the corn-on-corn crops first,” he recalls ... about four years to completely digest a corn stalk, most likely there’s tar spot inoculant in about ...
It is more severe where corn follows corn. Management of Diplodia stalk rot is through use of resistant hybrids, balanced soil fertility, appropriate plant population for the hybrid selected, and crop ...
However, be proactive in checking hail-damaged corn, say Vittetoe and Anderson. “Monitor stands carefully for the development of stalk and ear rots that could result in crop lodging and grain ...
New Durastak corn trait stack from Syngenta that will hit corn rootworms hard received approval from Environmental Protection ...
According to its own statistics agency, Brazil’s corn supplies as of a few weeks ago hit the lowest levels in at least a ...
Strategic planning of planting schedules and careful selection of corn hybrids are essential for optimizing yield and quality ...
Luhman shared his extensive trials with feeding that includes bale grazing with grass and corn stalks; grazing in corn ... acres of corn by selling that crop residue as well as reducing your ...