Buyers from as far north as Orkney and right down to Wales were forward for the dispersal of Robert Parker and family’s Black Baldie cattle herd from Drumdow, Stranraer. The sale of Hereford and ...
USDA’s Semi-Annual Cattle Inventory report confirmed a 61-year low in the beef cow herd, and barring some major ... we’ll be back in the black where we need to be, and we’ll have that ...
Montie Humphrey, the son of Wash and Melinda Humphrey, was born into slavery on May 14, 1862, at the vast JHK Ranch in Double ...
Biden funded farm projects that mention climate change. Trump wants to cut them. Farmers say they just want the money they ...
It’s a long road from the cattle stations of outback Australia to the dining plates of some of the world’s finest restaurants ...
Jessie Veeder shares her thoughts from the week she spent singing and being with other cowgirls at an event in Arizona.
Bird flu. With that diagnosis in mind, one of Russo’s colleagues tried to get some bovine samples tested for H5N1, but the ...
Columnist Jason Schmidt didn't realize how much of an impact one cow named "Buffalo" can have on life's outlook.
Check out our review of 1923 Season 2 Episode 3 as Spencer and Alexandra as make their way to Montana and Jacob and Jack come ...
When the fly is up in Ireland, all the fishermen in Ireland rush to catch them with a technique called dapping.
The Robert family ranch has for over 100 years raised livestock and grown hay and wheat. Now a new crop is taking centerstage.