Whether you plan for it or not, some aspects of your Raspberry Pi projects can change over time. One of the most common things you'll likely end up changing is your Wi-Fi network. Maybe you ...
Ethernet networking support in Linux requires a recent enough kernel (version 5.7 or later) SD or wireless support in Linux also requires ... A 3 GB RAM limit is enforced by default, even if you are ...
The Raspberry Pi isn't as secure as you may have thought. It’s been quite a year already, for security researchers disclosing groundbreaking research of the hacking variety. What with the iPhone ...
CAUTION! Be sure to use a USB2 port (black) on your Raspberry Pi, not a USB3 port (blue). USB3 is known to cause WiFi interference. A Raspberry Pi camera such as the HQ camera connects to the Rpi with ...
Simple, elegant, and well executed. This solenoid engine build is everything we’ve come to love about [Matthias Wandel]’s work. If you don’t recognize his name you probably remember the name ...
Its got a Raspberry-Pi running Pure Data and Python scripts, with an Arduino connected to the sensors and actuators. The sensors define the position of various mechanical elements in relation to ...