One of the few virtues of the recent Netflix series on Alexander the Great was the prominent role given to his principal opponent, Darius III of Persia. But in this retelling of history, as in most ...
Over a 10-year period, fighting across modern-day Turkey, the Middle East, and as far away as Afghanistan and Pakistan, Alexander routed Persian king Darius III, taking the empire for his own.
His conquest started in Persia, where he battled King Darius III's forces in what is now Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Egypt. After defeating the Persian Empire he moved further east, conquering land in ...
Yahrzeit of Avraham Ibn Ezra, biblical commentator, poet, mathematician, author, and philosopher. An unsuccessful businessman ...
Darius, overwhelmed by the chaos ... which effectively sealed the fate of the Persian Empire. And this piece of artwork captures not just history but, like Alexander, covers a range of geographies.
Advisors had warned Darius to effectuate an alternate strategy ... and enabled Alexander to advance. In the end, the Persian Empire would fall under Alexander’s rulership. The ongoing project ...