US President Donald Trump ordered steps to expedite federal permits in his opening bid to entice American investment and shrink timelines for building critical energy infrastructure. Trump’s ...
M. Cantacuzino” va avea loc o probă de desen tehnic pentru cei care doresc să devină arhitecţi. „Sistemul de admitere nu a fost modificat substanţial faţă de 2024, vom avea comisii de admitere care ...
These clients had made New Year’s resolutions, but they hadn’t thought about their new goals as part of an overall wellness plan. If you did something similar—that is, if you gave yourself a ...
a fost conceput pentru a stopa transformarea satului maramuresean traditional, intr-unul cu prea multe elemente moderne (ce ne duc uneori chiar in zona kitschului) si mentinerea sa intr-o forma ...
The American colonies were treated as the crown’s private property and the Casa was meant to steer the maximum amount of money into the royal treasury. All ships bound for America had to leave from ...