The Nimizo digital TV antenna worked perfectly for some channels, but didn't work well for everything that was advertised. As I mentioned, some channels come in stronger in certain spots than others.
The trick is choosing the right antenna for your location and setup. Most stations broadcast their network programs on HDTV. And, unlike your local cable or satellite company, they don't charge ...
If you want to watch games for free, you can watch every game being broadcast locally on your CBS affiliate (channel finder above) with the help of an over-the-air HDTV antenna. It goes for under ...
A good TV antenna will bring in anywhere from 20 to more than 100 channels, depending on where you live. The stations are free, don’t require a broadband connection (with the exception of some ...
4 years, 9 months By Will Greenwald How to Find the Best Digital TV Antenna for 2020 If you want to cut the cord but keep live TV, you'll need the right antenna to tune into over-the-air broadcasts.