If your lawn is looking a bit sad at the moment, there are a few simple jobs you can do in February to ensure it grows back ...
I have solitude, peace here,” says Stella Cruz, whose native plant garden was a gift from Pollinator Project Rogue Valley.
After an hour at the Arizona Worm Farm on Sunday afternoon, a couple of dozen Jewish kids knew a few facts about worms, or at ...
A study aiming to identify fluorescent bioactive compounds in the coelomic fluid of earthworms, as well as to investigate their structural and functional characteristics for possible use in biomedical ...
Turfgrass—including sports fields, roadside ditches and residential lawns—makes up 40 million acres of the United States' ...
Soil incubation experiments revealed a comprehensive increase in CO2 release by drying-rewetting cycles (DWCs) among Japanese forests and pastureland soils, suggesting a significant contribution of ...
“One of the goals [of astrobiology] is to go to [other worlds] and look for microorganisms, but in the meantime there’s so ...
Farmers in Middle Georgia use free biosolids from the Macon Water Authority as fertilizer, but the EPA warns this practice ...
The main question is why you would grow an apple tree from seed. It requires a great deal of patience and represents a big ...