Last year was one of the most productive in the history of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Ai2). Next up: translating all that work into real-world solutions.
The nation needs more education research, not an end to it. Here are five ideas for a more strategic, agile, relevant and ...
Forty-eight days into 2025, CAISO gas use for electricity is down almost 28%, while battery use is up 78%, and solar has ...
The 2022 initiative undid a voter referendum on certain zone changes, promising the public a say in an anticipated citywide ...
Jim Snowden, senior director of Engineering and Public Works for Knox County, hopes that most of the roads will be in good ...
As the Ripple vs SEC legal battle continues, the XRP price could display a massive drop. Focus shifts toward DTX Exchange ...
PPC Limited is driving a sustainable energy revolution by championing solar power solutions to enhance energy security and ...
Assuming the town charges $2 for a 15-gallon bag and $3 for a 30-gallon bag, the report estimated the pay as you throw ...