It’s the halfway point for fish frys throughout Greater Cleveland. Non-profits – churches, VFW halls and other groups – are offering an array of dinners including everything from shrimp to slaw during ...
Chef Steve Tentis, from the Parlour food truck, and Peter Lambert, general manager of Luce Line Brewing, share a preview.
One small piece of advice: If you like ketchup with your fries, you have to order it as a separate side for an additional 75 ...
Bob and Pat Moses took over the Wayside Bar in 1986, building a homey atmosphere with a popular fish fry until the bar burned ...
Video by Colter Peterson, St. Lou… Here is an actual figure: In the St. Louis area during Lent, there is one fish fry event for every 3,708 people. That is a lot of fish. That is a lot of fries.
Each week, a member of TMJ4's staff goes to a local fish fry destination and reviews their product. This week, Sr. Director of Sales Anthony Arbucias is reviewing The Phoenix in Hartland. If you're ...
Fish fries are, of course, very important yearly fundraisers for churches, VFWs, fire halls and more. But the fish fry also means community building, catching up with old friends and honoring ...
ELLIS — The Ellis Knights of Columbus will host a fish fry Friday, March 21, 5-7 p.m. in the Ellis Knights of Columbus Hall.
NEW ULM – New Ulm American Legion Post 132 netted several hundred hungry diners Friday during the 29th Annual Fish Fry. Fish ...