Andy Wilcox speaks with three experts regarding emerging or developing disease problems in the floriculture market.
Indoor horticultural holdings specialising in greenhouse vegetable cultivation. Classification of holdings by holding types takes place based on the focus of production. A holding falls under a ...
Iran’s greenhouse crop production reached three million tons in the first ten months of the current Iranian year (March 2024–January 2025), marking a nearly four percent increase compared to the same ...
Perhaps you could start your vegetable garden and bedding plants ... We bought plants from a variety of commercial growers, ...
High tunnels, which are unheated greenhouse-like structures ... Despite this growing interest in high tunnel organic vegetable production, limited information is available regarding optimizing ...
Production of tomatoes is growing at a rapid pace (+9.7%)," the Ministry said. Positive dynamics are also expected for greenhouse vegetables by the end of this year, the Ministry noted.