Current hay supplies across the state depend on conditions of winter-planted forage crops and rainfall, according to Extension Service experts.
It is essential that cows have constant access to high quality feed and clean water. Milking cows need 60 to 70 litres of ...
Barry Quam has been doing chores in the dead of winter for more than 70 years. At age 78, he still refuses to let the frigid ...
From implement guidance to retrofit solutions, software, and seed tenders, here's a roundup of new machinery and technology ...
injury or natural disaster by providing the necessary equipment and volunteer workforce to plant, hay or harvest their crop. Livestock feeding assistance is also available to ranchers. Farm Rescue ...
For the most gorgeous coastal walk you can do in the springtime you'll want to hike along the Wales Coast Path an ...
Thousands of livestock have been killed in the wildfires that have ripped across the Texas Panhandle over the past week, ...
It's no secret that food prices are way high — but do you know why that's the case? A lot of it comes down to our environment ...
Beacon Farms, the charitable agricultural outfit that gives drug and alcohol addicts a second chance at life, is giving local ...
When disaster strikes rural communities, it can be hard to get help to the most remote areas. That’s why the Disaster Relief ...
For the past 55 years, Hap and Loretta Naprstek have invested plenty of sweat equity into building up the Hilltop Ranch ...
State hay market summaries for the week ending Feb. 22, as reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Market News Service ...