An electronic sign outside a Palatine church has sparked controversy with its use of metaphorical immigration-related ...
Death, indeed, seals our choice forever. In the end, we will be in either heaven or hell for all eternity. And if heaven is the city on a hill with perpetual light, as so beautifully described in ...
2.Whoever made this church sign deserves to bypass that hell sign and go directly to heaven: 3.This funny but necessary stupidity sign deserves an award for "how to be bluntly creative": 4.And the ...
A. The rewards or punishments appointed for men's souls after the Particular Judgment are Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. Q. 1379. What is Hell? A. Hell is a state to which the wicked are condemned ...
Hell is the opposite of Heaven - it is eternity in the absence of God. In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the rich man describes Hell as a place of torment. The rich man also died and was ...