Scientists discovered a way to block hepatitis B infection using an anticancer drug, offering hope for new treatments.
Press Release - Hepatitis E, tetanus and hepatitis B all pose significant but under-reported threats to the health and lives ...
Tes HBsAG adalah salah satu skrining prenatal yang perlu dilakukan ibu hamil. Apa artinya jika HBsAG positif pada ibu hamil?
The following is a summary of "Impact of HBsAg reduction via siRNA treatment on natural and vaccine (BRII-179)-induced ...
Hepatitis A and B are the most common vaccine-preventable diseases for travelers; nevertheless, up to 50% of confirmed cases of hepatitis A and B in Europe are still acquired during travel.
A dividend from immunisation is a future free from the diseases that rob communities of health and well-being, a future free ...
The National Communicable Disease Committee has approved new policies to tackle influenza, dengue fever, mpox, and hepatitis ...
The largest declines in total vaccination rates in Kindergarteners occurred in Concordia and Jefferson Davis parishes. Here ...
While some pediatricians refuse unvaccinated children, others argue that keeping them in the practice may help convince ...
Discover the importance of adult vaccination in India, the barriers faced, and the urgent need for prioritization.
University of Leeds researchers have taken a major step towards producing a more affordable and lower-risk polio vaccine ...
The Business Research Company's Key Market Driver In Hepagam B industry 2025: Rising Hepatitis B Prevalence To Fueling Growth It will grow to $XX million in 2029 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR ...