The walls, spattered in chocolate-, peanut butter-, cherry-, and butterscotch-colored drippings, look so ... into lava caves out of respect for what they might encounter inside.
Residents take shelter in a similar cave near Hama in this photo from 2012. The civil war has been raging in Syria for almost five years. A displaced girl poses inside an underground cave in the ...
it's dark inside. Everybody who has ever photographed it has encountered the same effect. You want to photograph the depths of the cave but the farther back you look into the black basalt ...
The winter months have provided hikers with the rare chance to explore ice caves carved by melting ice on a glacier in ...
Take an otherworldly journey through Hang Son Doong, the world's largest cave located in Vietnam. The cave is more than 500 feet tall, 650 feet wide, and 29,500 feet long. Video courtesy of Ryan ...
In the center of a village in south-central China, scientists may have discovered evolution in action. Researchers conducting fish surveys in the waterways of Guizhou Province between 2012 and 2020 ...