Dear Colleague letter features some questionable assumptions and false equivalences, Jim Jump writes. During my elementary school days, I always looked forward to Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. On that day ...
I want my closing statement to be one of love and a calling to my fellow Christians to help us end the death penalty,” Brad ...
In 1971, Brunner assisted other members in robbing a gun store with the ultimate goal of hijacking a plane and breaking ...
I am offended by this legislation,' one Democratic lawmaker said. 'I find that it is so antithetical to the very foundation of this country.' ...
Over here, likewise housed in split-level colonials on quarter-acre plots, lived the Fishmans, the Kutners and the Broslovksys, over there the Nichterns, the Goldenbergs and the Hefflers, and around ...
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Newly elected DNC Chair Ken Martin has promised to review the party's existing contracts with consulting firms ...
What left Alito so dazed? Joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, he lamented his majority ...
Brad Sigmon is only the fourth person executed by firing squad in the United States since the death penalty resumed ...
The 67-year-old man will be the first person to die by firing squad in the U.S. since 2010, when three volunteer shooters will fire at his heart from 15 feet away.
Congregation Beth Jacob Ohev Sholom is a rare holdout of both pre-Hasidic and pre-gentrification Williamsburg.