A network of N.W.T. shelters and safe homes is pleading with the territorial government to reinstate a $100,000 fund for training and in-person meetings that's set to end in April.  The money brings ...
He has led multiple renewable energy projects, including the Inuvik High Point Wind Study, Solar Net Metering Demonstration, and commercial solar PV installations in the Northwest Territories and ...
Current time and date at Inuvik/mike Zubko Airport is 12:52:15 PM (MST) on Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025 Looking for information on Inuvik/mike Zubko Airport, Inuvik, Canada? Know about Inuvik/mike Zubko ...
So, in Inuvik and Fort Smith, there's an opportunity there for people ... that understand their culture, understand their language, to take care of them," she said.
Current local time in Inuvik (America/Inuvik timezone). Get information about the America/Inuvik time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current ...
Alex can only travel from Aklavik by charter. The cost of the charter flights to the nearest commercial airport in Inuvik and back was $2,600. The cost of the flights from Inuvik to Edmonton and back ...
This means that more than 10 million basic cable television subscribers will now have access to Canada’s first Inuit language television station and its lineup of movies, documentaries, cultural ...