Landlords' power to impose fees, suppress tenant rights, and threaten lawmakers underscores need for housing reform and ...
The legislation aims to prevent conflicts between tenants and landlords by clearly outlining rights and responsibilities.
Most people will take out home insurance when they move to France - but if you ever need to claim on it you need to know the ...
Tenants who wanted to remain anonymous due to fear of retaliation said conditions on Tzadik properties only seem to get worse.
The article discusses judicial delays with examples relating to the Delhi Rent Control Act 1958 and the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996.
The Fair Housing Act was passed in the 1960s with the primary intention of ending racial discrimination in real estate.
In a crowded four-person race for mayor of Deerfield Beach, the Sun Sentinel recommends Todd Drosky, a term-limited commissioner.
With so many displaced, people are offering double, triple the rent, “offering to pay six months rent up front.” ...
Kobeissi said he received offers from prospective tenants for $14,000 and $16,000 ... with Times reporters identifying examples of listings increased 60% or more, while activist groups have ...
CityFHEPS vouchers are supposed to give low-income New Yorkers more choice in where they live, but data shows that voucher ...
Attorney General Rob Bonta announced Friday, Jan. 17, that his office sent more than 200 warning letters to hotels ... in bidding wars with tenants could open a landlord up to a lawsuit, he ...