For example, the adsorption isotherm of phenol and caffeine in methanol/water as a mobile phase on the Kromasil C18 column can be described by either Tóth or the Bi-Langmuir isotherm model.
and the adsorption isotherm model was used to fit the experimental data. According to the results obtained from the experiments, the adsorption thermodynamics was fitted to the experimental results, ...
Armen has appointed Hugh Langmuir as chair of Armen Partners UK, succeeding Thierry Baudon. Langmuir will support Armen’s London team led by Catherine Haumesser to consolidate its market ...
Article subjects are automatically applied from the ACS Subject Taxonomy and describe the scientific concepts and themes of the article. These continuum models are based on systems of partial ...
With increasing humidity, capillary condensation of moisture gradually occurs in pores. Based on the methane isothermal adsorption test of shale samples with different moisture contents, a ...