Scientific testing is showing that disease-causing pathogens are adapting to farmers’ use of pesticides and fungicides on tomatoes and peppers.
Follow these tips on how to prune citrus trees to encourage strong branches and improve fruit production. Knowing when and ...
Red leaf blotch (RLB) of almond, caused by Polystigma amygdalinu m, is a disease currently observed in the Mediterranean ...
Hurricanes and disease have already taken a tremendous toll on those fragrant trees, not to mention development demand for ...
Along with citrus greening, the industry has faced constant pressures from residential and commercial development and has ...
Florida Citrus Mutual CEO and Executive Vice President Matt Joyner stressed the need to continue providing money for research ...
With research occurring at places such as the University of Florida, Joyner said the goal is to stabilize the industry by ...
Citrus growers called on lawmakers Tuesday to continue providing research and advertising money to help an industry that has ...
Along with citrus greening, industry has faced constant pressures from development and has been hit by hurricanes and winter ...
From tea to cosmetics, lemon myrtle is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient. But growing the trees to meet demand is ...
Once standing at 18 feet tall and requiring ladders for harvest – the citrus trees are now barely half that height and ...