Q: The experts are forecasting the Reds to win 78 games, so does this represent a lower expectation than what Reds fans anticipate? — DAVE, Miamisburg/Centerville/Beavercreek.
Sebastian Stan is giving his mom some love! The actor brought his mother Georgeta Orlovschi to the 2025 Oscars and revealed ...
It can get tiring, pretending not to have a 'tache... so this week's Sunday Service shouts from the rooftops about shifting ...
For nearly 50 years, every New York Yankees player was barred from having facial hair. On Friday, the Major League Baseball ...
According to Robin Staz, a barber at Beardbrand Barbershop in Austin, TX, mustache wax is a styling product often made with ...
A Florissant man was in the hospital with minor injuries Friday morning after a road rage incident that occurred during the ...
New York Yankees legend Bernie Williams spent his entire playing career clean-shaven, and not by choice. Williams followed ...
New York Yankees legend Bernie Williams reacted to the organization getting rid of a policy he had to abide by for years: no ...
Image Courtesy of the New York Post By Zachary Lichter Imagine you have a beard and applied for a job at a company. After the ...
The New York Yankees have abandoned their half-century prohibition of beards, a policy that was archaic even from its infancy ...
In 2020, the Evolution of Human Behavior set out to prove our point when they showed 351 women and 177 heterosexual men ...
On Friday morning, the New York Yankees managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner announced that the team would be amending its facial hair policy.