In a first-of-its-kind study, Poppy was able to do something with ease that's proven far more challenging for humans and their machines.
she sniffed out an oil spill submerged in water and trapped under ice. That's the most amazing part, said Vince Palace, one of the scientists behind Poppy's experiment in northern Ontario.
she sniffed out an oil spill submerged in water and trapped under ice. That's the most amazing part, said Vince Palace, one of the scientists behind Poppy's experiment in northern Ontario. "None of ...
In an experiment that concluded earlier this month ... Identifying the boundaries of oil spills is important to launching a quick and efficient spill response, Palace said. Oil behaves differently ...
New Orleans was significantly impacted by the spill. Its people are familiar with overwhelming disasters, understanding the ...
I tested 12 essential oil diffusers to compare their scent quality, design, ease of use and functionality. Three emerged as the best for most people.