An international research team has used earth observation radar data to map oil pipeline networks covering a 9000 km2 region in the Niger Delta and pinpoint where crude oil spills have caused the most ...
The Great Lakes Oil Spill Center of Expertise (GLCOE) recently announced nine studies related to oil spills that will be carried out in 2025.
For the first time in 75 years, Kemp’s ridley sea turtle hatchlings have been observed on Louisiana's uninhabited Chandeleur Islands despite being written off as a nesting spot for sea turtles ...
Cleaning up after a major oil spill is a long, expensive process, and the damage to a coastal region's ecosystem can be ...
(Courtesy: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Gulf of Mexico 2012 Expedition) Oil spills can pollute large volumes of surrounding water – thousands of times greater than the spill itself – causing ...
issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by Fabien Brette at Stanford University in Pacific Grove, Calif., and colleagues was titled, "Crude Oil Impairs Cardiac Excitation-Contraction ...
Funding originally supposed to come from the National Science Foundation is no longer expected "because of what's happening ...
He and other volunteers were tasked with shoveling away the oil-drenched sand, but “the scale is just too big,” he said. Two weeks into the new year, and four weeks after the spill ...
One close observer has described the clean-up project as a "con" and a "scam ... the huge scale of illegal activities such as oil theft. "When spills do happen from our facilities we clean ...
Advances in nanotechnology may provide solutions to oil spill cleanups in coastal regions ... That's according to a new paper in Environmental Science: Nano by a Concordia-led team of researchers.