The Messiah is mentioned in several books of the Old Testament, but these were not just mere descriptions of a potential savior that would be sent by God. The Old Testament includes numerous ...
It might come as a bombshell or like one raising dust, but simply, it was out of curiosity that I literarily devoured the Bible to know if there was any time Jesus laughed, any day during his lifetime ...
Christ came to make it possible once again ... prepared us to understand baptism through foreshadowing and prophecy in the Old Testament. As the Fathers of the church taught, the figures of ...
This reliance on what was originally Jewish oral tradition, later written down outside of the Old Testament ... Since the Temple was destroyed, prophecy has been taken from prophets and given ...
Some fear we’ll be buried in brimstone; others expect to be extinguished by A.I. But is there comfort to be found in our ...
If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away ... Specifically we do not agree on the Old Testament (OT) canon - the list of Books inspired by God.
The author skillfully weaves together the overarching story of Christ, connecting Old Testament prophecies with their fulfilment in the New Testament. One of the highlights of The Bible: Jesus Christ ...
In a time when the world feels out of control, understanding the full scope of scripture—both Old and New Testaments—is crucial.
Rabbi Schneider walks his audience through Scripture, connecting ancient prophecy to the world we see unfolding before us.
Ask God to help us to run towards Him, and not away from Him, when He calls. Do you ever feel like you are trapped in some “fish”? Might God be trying to get your undivided attention? In Jonah Chapter ...
The painted pages function as a symbolic bridge to the psalm texts that follow, underscoring the medieval Christian belief that Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled in Christ. Jared, from the ...