After a summer of fasting on land, the bears need to get back to their frozen home to hunt seals and bulk up. But their migration ritual is changing.
A study in the journal Science Advances reveals how polar bears manage to get wet in the cold without their fur freezing.
A playful polar bear cub (not the one pictured here) was captured snuggling its mom and showering her with kisses and ...
When Tic Tac’s ears go back, her eyes narrow, and her nose lengthens, I see anger. She has some Siamese in her, and so her ...
The first thing you need to know about bear defense handguns is that if you find yourself needing to use one, things have gone terribly wrong. You should never be comfortable with the idea that the ...
NEW YORK — (AP) — They snooze in parking garages, on side streets before the afternoon school run, in nap pods rented by the hour or stretched out in bed while working from home. People who make a ...
NEW YORK (AP) — They snooze in parking garages, on side streets before the afternoon school run, in nap pods rented by the hour or stretched out in bed while working from home. People who make a ...
Devoted Nap-Takers Explain the Benefits of Sleeping on the Job NEW YORK (AP) — They snooze in parking garages, on side streets before the afternoon school run, in nap pods rented by the hour or ...
People who make a habit of sleeping on the job comprise a secret society of sorts within the U.S. labor force. Inspired by famous power nappers Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein, today’s … This ...