Once there, the golf cart and its driver channeled the General Lee by jumping an irrigation ditch, leaving the police in the dust. Unbelievably, the driver got away, at least for a day.
Downtown York police Officer Kathy Nice is behind the wheel of York's newest police vehicle. It is getting a lot of second ...
Fed up with McIntosh High School students parking golf carts on cart paths and private parking lots, Peachtree City police ...
A 52-year-old man from Houston is dead after a fatal golf cart accident in Port Aransas this past weekend. His body was found ...
A Florida man was charged with manslaughter after a vacationer fell off a golf cart he was driving, allegedly while under the ...
Susan Zerkel, director of fundraising for the St. Clair Police Foundation, said the golf cart to be purchased from ... downtown activities where a patrol car would be less effective.
For Youngsville residents who aren't clear on the rules on golf carts and low-speed vehicles on public roads, the Youngsville ...