Jillian Patrie | University of Minnesota Yard and Garden Extension ...
Many of us are impatient to get out into the garden and start growing. But we have at least a few weeks before the growing ...
Given the lack of rain across South Central Texas, this has led to less pollen. According to Dr. Erika Gonzalez with STAAMP allergy, the current drought has led to lower cedar counts for this winter ...
Timing is key when it comes to pruning flowering and fruiting plants. Randy Forst, extension educator for consumer horticulture for University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said late Feb ...
If you haven’t already pruned your roses, now is the time! Pruning helps shape your roses and creates healthier plants and ...
Keep your front yard tidy and welcoming with these low-maintenance, compact, deer-resistant landscaping plants.
Now is the time for some winter pruning on ornamental shrubs and trees. From December to late March is the perfect time to ...
Permission has been sought for various tree works, extensions, and new developments across East Cambridgeshire this week.
HOUSTON — It is cedar fever Season in Texas and you probably have felt the impacts of it these past few days. Cedar fever ...
Oak wilt is one of the deadliest tree diseases in the United States, killing millions of trees across 76 Texas counties.
“Prevention is key to stopping the spread of oak wilt. Any new wound on an oak tree can be an entry point for infection ...
Texans can help prevent the spread of oak wilt by avoiding pruning or wounding oak trees from February through June.