As you approach spring landscaping chores, you might be considering adding a dogwood tree to your yard. Types of dogwood trees vary from the 6- to 12-inch miniature dogwood “tree” known as bunchberry ...
I have solitude, peace here,” says Stella Cruz, whose native plant garden was a gift from Pollinator Project Rogue Valley.
An excellent choice for a small ornamental tree with year-round interest is the kumquat or one of its hybrids, which do not ...
The best time to plant bare-root fruit trees like apples is towards the end of winter or the first half of spring, once the ground is no longer frozen so it can be easily dug, ...
Spring-flowering shrubs and trees must be exposed to several months of cold temperatures before they can bloom. Which means ...
Homeowners often choose willow trees due to their high water tolerance, but there are other water-loving trees to try. River ...