Thirty-two countries formed a coalition to drive Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces ... Iraq released millions of barrels of oil into the Persian Gulf. The spill covered an area 100 miles by 40 miles ...
When the Gulf War ended, the United States government believed the Iraqis would quickly overthrow Saddam Hussein. But nine years later, he still rules Iraq. FRONTLINE investigates Saddam's ...
Here’s What You Need to Remember: As with any counterfactual, it’s difficult to grapple with the full implications of the death of Saddam Hussein during the 1991 Gulf War. A successful..
While the Coalition side of the 1990-1991 Gulf War ... the "100 Hour War." This is particularly valuable when the Iraqi slant on some of the events and operations is compared to the American and ...
Students will understand the decisionmaking process and policy choices made by both the Coalition and by the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein in going to war in the Gulf to secure their perceived ...
Petrol prices could soar by up to 25p a gallon after Saddam Hussein turned off ... of sanctions imposed after the Gulf War, Iraq is allowed to sell oil only to buy food, medicine and other ...
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped Saddam Hussein ... war with Iraq. Terrified that the Iranian Islamic revolution would spread through the Gulf and into Saudi Arabia - threatening US oil ...
It has been almost a quarter century since the 1991 Gulf War which began with Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. The war began with Operation Desert Storm on January 17 ...
And the Iraqi variant of the Scud, the Al-Hussein ... these attacks by Saddam that brought the Scud missile system into the American public’s attention. During the Gulf War, Iraq fired around ...
Believe it or not, you can simultaneously believe a number of things about the Iraq war and its aftermath. You can believe Saddam Hussein wasn’t merely a “bad guy,” but that he harbored ...
a reminder of the 700 Kuwaiti oil wells set ablaze by retreating Iraqi forces during the Gulf War, causing significant ...
The rigor he displays in it wouldn’t have mattered, nor his analytical modesty, nor his unambiguous and appropriate distaste for Saddam ... the Gulf War in January 1991, Coll concludes, Hussein ...