In terms of credits, Marvel lists the one-shot's contributors as writers Chris Eliopolous (also credited as an artist), Mat ...
Marvel is weaving the next multiversal crossover event. After 2022’s End of the Spider-Verse and 2024’s Venomverse Reborn, it ...
New Blood and Web of VenomVerse: Fresh Brains, Kyle Higgins, Mat Groom, and Luciano Vecchio deliver an all-new ...
Spider-Verse vs Venomverse Launches in May by Mat Groom, Kyle Higgins and Luciano Vecchio from Marvel Comics Spider-Verse vs ...
The famous Spider-Verse and horrifying Venomverse finally collide, as Marvel's Spider-Heroes & Symbiote Hosts go to war in a ...
Marvel fans must choose a side as Spiders and Symbiotes face off in the upcoming five-issue limited series Spider-Verse Vs.
We've got an early preview of pages from Avengers #23 by writer Jed MacKay, artist Farid Karami, color artist Federico Blee, ...
The Spider-Verse and Venomverse are about to collide in a big battle that may indeed prove to be the capstone on the shared Spider-Venom-Verse concept (at least until Marvel finds a way to spin ...