Gnosis is continual amazement (ḥayrat), said Hazrat Abu Bakr al-Shibli (861-946), an influential Sufi of Persian heritage.
Local author/columnist Michelle Page is back to weigh in on rainbows and their tangible power to communicate and connect with ...
Nearly three-quarters of Americans say they’ve felt spiritual peace in the last year. More than 60 percent report thinking about God a lot. Penny Edgell, a sociologist at the University of ...
the God of destruction, transformation, and regeneration. It is a night dedicated to worshipping Shiva, fasting, and offering prayers for spiritual growth. Each year, devotees honor this day with ...
When Annika Peterson glides along a frozen lake on her cross-country skis, she feels something sacred. On a blindingly ...
Voltaire’s stance appears straightforward: he condemns Christianity, and he is almost commissioned to complete its ...
Douthat guides the reader through the science toward God with a gentle but insistent ... above history and politics, leading by spiritual power that connects him directly to the people.
This is the day, Lord God, that You have made ... Suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house. Then there appeared to them tongues as ...
blending spiritual spiritual symbolism with ethnic elegance to enhance your celebration. Mahashivratri, one of the most sacred and significant festival in the Hindu calendar, celebrates Lord Shiva, ...
Often referred to as the "Father of Faith," Abraham's life and legacy are foundational to the spiritual heritage ... covenant occurred when God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as ...
When you submit fully to God s process even if it s longer than you d prefer He can launch you in ways you never thought ...
Most Americans think there’s something spiritual beyond the natural world. Most also believe in heaven and hell, but these ...