Blog posts represent the views of CFR fellows and staff and not those of CFR, which takes no institutional positions. Donald Trump will take the oath of office at noon Monday on the West Front of ...
moustaches and stovepipe hats, and purse-lipped women in mob caps with formidable bosoms. Bourne’s buoyant, nimble choreography is wrapped around darker drama that makes its mark in broad strokes.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “This all sounds great, but what’s the Lincoln connection?” Well, hold onto your stovepipe hats, folks, because this is where things get really interesting. In 1859, ...
Petersburg: Walk in Lincoln’s footsteps, minus the stovepipe hat. Warning: May cause sudden urges to grow a beard and tell folksy stories. Photo credit: Bruce Wicks If you’re a fan of Abraham Lincoln ...
A stovepipe hat of cardboard, wrapped in duct tape and painted black, crowned the creation of Carson, Caleb, Mason, Charley and Taylor Bowen, and Bethany Olson and Asia Farrington. Olson said ...
They have not. A white cowboy hat does not a country album make – are you listening, Beyoncé? Country songs happen on dirt roads. Gravel roads. Obviously, country roads, preferably ones which ...
The Centennial Flag, created in 1918 to commemorate a century of Illinois statehood. A white star on a blue stripe, flanked by ten stars on each side, for a total of 21. It’s colorless and dull.
The man in the White House is at once the chief repository ... that he carried his files around in the sweatband of his stovepipe hat, Johnson tries to carry the whole Democratic Party in his ...
Gettysburg started a new tradition a few years back: the raising of Abraham Lincoln’s stovepipe hat to count down to midnight in Lincoln ... every New Year’s Eve in York as the city drops a white rose ...