LEFT(first_name,2) AS first_2_letters_from_the_left, RIGHT(first_name,3) AS first_3_letters_from_the_right, SUBSTRING(first_name,2) AS starting_from_the_second_letter ...
--Extract a substring from a column. SELECT SUBSTR('ORACLE SQL' ,8,3) AS SUBSTRING FROM DUAL; -- Output: SQL --Convert a string to uppercase. SELECT UPPER('Oracle Sql ...
Managing Editor Alison DeNisco Rayome joined CNET in 2019, and is a member of the Home team. She is a co-lead of the CNET Tips and We Do the Math series, and manages the Home Tips series, testing ...
Aerospace Engineering is at the cutting edge of technology, understanding and applying scientific principles to the design, development and service of some of the most technologically advanced ...