By integrating 30 minutes a day of progressive walking exercise into standard stroke rehabilitation (30 to 60 minutes of physical therapy five days a week) stroke patients had a measurable improved ...
A progressively higher-intensity walking exercise program, combined with standard physical therapy, significantly improved ...
A new advisory from the American Heart Association strongly endorses endovascular treatment for patients with large core ...
In clinical practice guidelines jointly issued by the US Department of Veterans Affairs and US Department of Defense, updated recommendations are presented for the management of stroke rehabilitation.
This week the World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines recommending people switch the regular salt they use at home for substitutes containing less sodium.
For decades, taking a daily low-dose aspirin was a widely accepted practice for preventing heart attacks and strokes. But a ...
The University of Cincinnati's Pooja Khatri spoke with Medscape on a new American Heart Association advisory recommending ...
Is daily aspirin really necessary for heart disease prevention? Find out the truth behind the changing recommendations.
Get your daily dose of health and medicine every weekday with STAT’s free newsletter Morning Rounds. Sign up here. Good morning! It's Thursday. Friday ...