Far from being solo operators, most single-celled microbes are in complex relationships. In the ocean, the soil, and your gut, they might battle and eat each other, exchange DNA, compete for ...
We apologize, but this video has failed to load. What is it with people elected to the highest levels of government that they develop some sort of God complex, as can be seen in both Justin ...
Combining experiments in microfluidic devices and computer simulation, this study provides a valuable analysis of the relevant parameters that determine the motility of (multicellular) magnetotactic ...
You may have heard that eating complex carbs is better than simple carbs. But nutrition labels don’t always tell you if the carbohydrate content is simple or complex. Complex carbohydrates are ...
A new Nature Physics study has shed light on the long-hypothesized liquid-liquid critical point where water simultaneously exists in two distinct liquid forms, opening new possibilities for ...
Credit: SciTechDaily.com TEGO revolutionizes gravitational wave detection with its tetrahedral spacecraft formation, improving sensitivity and stability. It employs advanced noise suppression ...
University of Bremen, Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Leobener Str. 6, D-28359 Bremen, Germany Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen, Am Fallturm 1, ...
B vitamins (also known as vitamin B complex) are a group of eight essential nutrients that support nearly all of your body’s functions, including metabolism, energy production, brain and nervous ...
Research Group on Natural Products and Organic Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, Postgraduate Program in Applied Chemistry (PPGQA), Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, ...
We focus here on isolated defects, but copper impurities may also form complexes in a variety of ways, an investigation into which is underway and will be reported elsewhere. The hybrid QM/MM-embedded ...