This process involves valuing your current pension to get something called a cash equivalent transfer value – or CETV. This is the size of the pension pot you’d be given in exchange for giving up your ...
Abstract: The paper introduces a method to model various synchronous electrical machines called the equivalent circuit model (ECM). The purpose of developing ECM is to present an efficient machine ...
By replacing VSC subsystems with Thévenin equivalent circuits, the proposed DIBM technique significantly reduces the number of states and eliminates the need for fictitious snubbers that may be needed ...
It is common wisdom that solderless breadboards are only good for low frequencies. But how fast can they really go? There’s been a contest going on to see who can make the fastest breadboard ...
One popular method of building circuits was to drive small nails into the breadboard, using wire wrapping to connect things together. [Collin] demonstrates this technique in the video ...