You will drive all night on no sleep then play a show for 10 kids in a basement ... and mischief ensue.” “New Years Rev” is produced by Tim Perell for Process; Green Day’s Armstrong ...
Live Nation Productions is teaming up with the rock band Green Day on the coming-of-age comedy “New Years Rev,” which ... no sleep then play a show for 10 kids in a basement of a friend ...
Arthur Arfons died in 2007 at age 81; Walter Arfons died in 2013 at age 96. Nothing was ever resolved between them.
Former UMass QB and now Jacksonville Jaguars head coach Liam Coen was seemingly destined to be an NFL leader because of his ...
John Morton played HS football at Auburn Hills Avondale and in college at Western Michigan before embarking on a long NFL coaching career ...
Robin did not just change Batman's life as a character, but he changed the comic book industry forever. In fact, he saved the ...
Live" celebrated 50 years on the air with a massive three-hour special episode. Follow along for live updates from the red ...
Elizabeth Rose Struhs died on January 7, 2022 while lying on a mattress on the floor of her family’s Toowoomba home, west of Brisbane. The religious group, known as the Saints, were accused of ...
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation continues the exploits of Cricket Green (Chris Houghton ... who moves into a new neighborhood and befriends a group of kids who play baseball in a nearby ...
How is Green Day involved in the upcoming movie 'New Year's Rev,' filming in Oklahoma? “New Years Rev” is produced by Tim Perell for Process Media Inc ... all night on no sleep then play a show for 10 ...