The Oscar-nominated short 'The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent,' is based on a real atrocity that occurred during the Bosnian ...
However, Tito would not begin to rule Yugoslavia until after World War II. In the 1920s, the Yugoslav communists found themselves closely aligned with Stalin, leading to a purge of the party in ...
But the Nazis presently felt obliged to declare a state of war in Yugoslavia, and in October even sued for peace. A Serb puppet and several Nazi officers were taken, blindfolded, on a long motor ...
My experiences in Yugoslavia were key factors through my formative years ... My memories of the sights and sounds of the war are vivid, from recollections of explosions shaking the windows of my ...
1 During the war, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) gave extensive military, economic and political assistance to the Republic of Srpska, the Bosnian Serb-ruled entity in ...
the largest fragment of the former Yugoslavia. The nominal pretext for the war was the conflict in Kosovo, a Serbian province with a predominately Albanian population. A separatist movement ...
and the war crimes trials relating to conflict in the former Yugoslavia is likely to be a significant exception to this tradition. War crimes are defined by the Geneva Conventions, the precedents ...
Slobodan Milosevic has been formally charged with genocide by the UN war crimes tribunal known as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The ICTY is the first ...