The sight of a humpback whale leaping fully out of the water and putting on a full routine has gone down a storm with ...
A new, permanent and free exhibition at the Natural History Museum is designed to warn people about their impact on our ...
Zipf’s law of abbreviation was only found to apply to blue whales and humpback whales, though only five species could be ...
"Using insights and methods from how babies learn language allowed us to discover previously undetected structure in whale ...
Whale song, though technically not a language, is organized in a familiar pattern.
Whale song exhibits systematic structure. However, until now, there was little evidence that this structure was like that of ...
At the opening of the exhibition, Campbell Fraser recounted reports of stranded sperm whales whose stomachs were filled with plastic debris. One sperm whale that was found dead in Pas-de-Calais ...
Two new studies have found eerily human-like sophistication in whale songs, challenging notions about our exceptionality and ...
A new, permanent and free exhibition at the Natural History Museum is designed to warn people about their impact on our "broken planet" and help them make changes for the better. Whale earwax and ...
Upon That Isle in Maine' opened this month at the Maine Maritime Museum, focusing on the maritime-themed books by the Camden ...
Humpback whale song is a striking example of a complex, culturally transmitted behavior, but up to now, there was little ...
At the opening of the exhibition, Campbell Fraser recounted reports of stranded sperm whales whose stomachs were filled with plastic debris. One sperm whale that was found dead in Pas-de-Calais, ...