Discover the basics of how the IRS tax refund works. Learn strategies for maximizing them and tips on how to use them wisely.
Do you drive for business, charity or medical appointments? Here are the details regarding claiming mileage on taxes.
A deduction cuts the income you're taxed on, which can mean a lower bill. A credit cuts your tax bill directly.
Donations to charity can be tax-deductible if you donated to an IRS-recognized charity in 2024 and did not receive anything ...
From how to file for free to what forms payment processors like Venmo are sending, we have the guide on what to know about ...
When you sell a home, you'll need to pay taxes on the amount of money you earned on the sale as capital gains. However, if you live in the home for two of the previous five years before selling, you ...
Small-business owners and freelancers who work at home can still itemize tax deductions for expenses like rent, mortgage ...
We cover everything to do with taxes on gambling winnings in the US, including claiming losses & what happens if you don’t ...
The rules are strict around who is eligible to deduct a home office, and calculating the deductions can be complicated.
In order to file your taxes, you'll need to gather all tax forms with information documenting your income. You’ll also need ...
This story is part of Taxes 2025, CNET's coverage of the best tax software, tax tips and everything else you need to file ... require you to itemize. They directly reduce the amount of taxes ...