Now scientists are racing to save these living fossils. The white sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in North America; it can grow upwards of 15 feet. Here, in Idaho’s Snake River ...
Chad Helmer released the albino sturgeon that measured 11 feet, 2 inches and weighed an estimated 1,000 pounds. Biologists have never seen anything like it. A Canadian fisherman landed a rare and ...
DESCRIPTION: Sturgeon have cartilaginous skeletons and a tube-like mouth. In the Kootenai River, they can grow to be larger than 200 pounds. They are gray in color. HABITAT: Kootenai River white ...
The groups said the bay and its watershed contain the only known reproductive population of white sturgeon in California. They said excessive diversions of fresh water from the bay's tributary ...
But the longevity of the sturgeon in the Kootenai River is waning: It hasn't reproduced in real numbers in at least 30 years due to habitat change caused by Libby Dam, which shut its gates in 1975.
Capt. Christian Cooley, owner of Random Hookup Charters based in Awendaw, said he was sailing in from the ocean on March 14 ...
The groups said the Bay and its watershed contain the only known reproductive population of white sturgeon in California. They said excessive diversions of fresh water from the Bay’s tributary ...