My daughter goes to church and proclaims to be a Christian, but I love animals and am horrified by her actions.
Dear Annie: I’ve been in a relationship with someone who has consistently treated me like a human ATM machine. Every chance ...
Dear Annie: I’ve been in a relationship with someone who has consistently treated me like a human ATM machine. Every chance ...
Wishing you all a very happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day! I thought it would be a good time to find some ...
He said he’d need to “see what his finances look like” -- and then a week later, he broke up with me via text.
I have two grown children who are doing well, both married, and one is expecting my first grandson. I’m a widow; their dad ...
Want-away Manchester City star Kyle Walker and his wife Annie Kilner are building a “dream mansion” as part of their Lauryn ...
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive ...
"What are your thoughts on situations like this? Should women ever propose, or does this only set them up for heartbreak if ...
Swan knows how hard it can be to make an old-school multi-billionaire amusing and lovable. He has played Daddy Warbucks for ...
Annie the Astronaut, Orlando International Airport’s wayfinding mascot, has a dog who needs an out-of-this-world name and is ...
My daughter took in some kittens that a mama cat delivered on her property. She was very selective about who she would give ...